Hawaiian Airlines Flight #11
Nonstop from San Francisco to Honolulu

Hawaiian Airlines did a great job of getting us into the mood for Hawaii with some great in-flight entertainment. But, being able to have a Mai Tai on the flight was the best of all scenarios.

The Club Mai Tai is a pre-made Mai Tai in a bottle. Pour over ice and it is ready to drink. For $5 it was about what we expected but it did not disappoint. The color is orangeish, very similar to the color of the Trader Vic's Mai Tai Mix. In fact, the taste was similar too, a fact that we appreciated (because we like the Trader Vic's mix). The drink was served with ice in a small plastic glass.

The Mai Tai was very smooth and very drinkable. Not harsh in any way, the drink still contained enough alcohol for us to feel it. That was perfect; a bit of a buzz to make the deboarding a bit less stressful and a welcome introduction to the islands.

Our rating here would be even higher had we been in first class. But, for a coach flight we had a pretty good time. The food was great and as mentioned the in-flight entertainment really got us in the mood for the islands. Remember that the atmosphere rating reflects how well the atmosphere rates within the genre that the locality belongs too. Compared to other airlines we had a very good time and all of the Hawaiian touches made the flight all the more enjoyable.

Taste: ****
Atmosphere: ****
Date Visited: October 23, 1999
Reviewed By: Kevin Crossman